We organize the first multiplier events of the Erasmus+ THE VALUE OF FACING SCHOOL
On 29th and 30th November, we held the first multiplier events of the Erasmus+ THE VALUE OF FACING SCHOOL, co-funded by the European Union. The aim of these events is to present the results of the project, which ultimate goal is to improve the inclusion and accessibility of people affected by rare diseases and muscular dystrophies in the educational context. In addition, we had the chance to talk about the Erasmus+ funding projects, which connects professionals from different countries of Europe in order to develop and implement projects for the benefit of education, culture and youth, among other areas.
On Wednesday 29th November, we held an online conference with the collaboration of the teacher Juanjo Izquierdo (El Desván de J) for educators, which could be followed via YouTube and ZOOM. We underlined that rare diseases affect 3.5%-5.9% of the world’s population and more than 30,000,000 people in the European Union. We also explained the different types of diagnoses and treatments available nowadays, paying special attention to the human genome research, the gene editing technique CRISPR and the orphan drugs. In the second half, we discussed the impact of digitalization in the classroom and shared inclusive methodologies to implement at school, such as project work, universal learning design and gamification. Finally, we presented the website and social networks of the project to facilitate access to the results and activities.

The following day, Thursday 30th November, it was the turn of CEIP Escuelas Bosque in Madrid. The event was part of the ‘Semana de las Distintas Capacidades’ (Week of the Different Abilities) organized by the school every year. We presented the methodological guide and the online educational resources to families and professionals from the education sector. One of the central topics of discussion was the need to create multidisciplinary teams in schools, composed by health services and other organisations, in order to enhance the quality of education for students affected by these pathologies.
In the last part, we heard the testimonial of Laura Sánchez, vice-president of Federación ASEM and affected by Congenital Arthrogryposis Multiplex, who has collaborated closely with the project. Laura explained that, in her case, the school provided her with a personal assistant. «Most of the times, the teachers and the school showed interest in my disease and supported me with everything I needed,» she said. Laura claims that digitalisation is very useful and that technological devices such as the voice coder made her educational performance much easier.

In the coming weeks, we will hold new multiplier events and dissemination activities to ensure that our goals benefit as many people as possible.
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